Monday, April 06, 2009

Day 7, 12:00-1:00 AM

Jack begins the episode riding computer jockey. Is he the new Chloe?

Tony's so tough, he jams that comm into his messed up ear.

Tony needs support on the east "perimeter." (Drink!)

The President wants "no more mistakes." With seven more hours to go after this one, I'm sure that'll work out.

Tony needs Reliant's five-digit prefix code.

Of all the reprehensible things this reporter Ken is doing right now, perhaps the worst is making us listen to a brick of exposition about things we already know.

Ken has a very different definition of "wrangling a reporter."

The doctor says it's okay for Jack to give himself injections? To stop uncontrollable shaking?!

Gee, the doctor didn't think it might be worth mentioning a possible experimental treatment last episode?

24 introduces its newest socio-political point of debate. Stem cells can save Jack!

This Weapon of Mass Destruction is brought to you by Sprint. (How do you suppose they feel about that?)

Who keeps ice water inside a globe on their desk?

Ken did what he needed to do to get head.

Jonas Hodges starts video blogging.

Now he wants a conference in person with the President "within the hour." First of all... Drink! Second of all, that's two minutes from now. What, does Starkwood have a transporter too?


Roland Deschain said...

An experimental treatment...for the extra super secret double deadly from Africa version of Creutzfeldt Jakob disease? The experimental treatment which apparently hasn't made news for curing the wussy mad cow version, but has potential for the new exciting will kill you in two days version they *JUST* found out about?

Aaaaaaand...there's still no cure for cancer.

Stem cells? From Kim???

The only way this can be entertaining is if they are extracted by a cougar. ;-)

I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

that reporter guy Ken was so despicable it was laughable. how much worse could he get? we find out he's married? that'll do, pig. I almost expected him to try and make a move to grab the phone, in which case Aaron would bust in the room and whup up on him. he totally would've deserved it.

I gotta hand it to the writers, that's a very clever way to get Kim back into the story. even if it is a shaky premise, I'll go with it. and the imminent nature of the illness will justify whatever helicopter/jet plane method they need to speedily get Kim to DC. all of the puzzle pieces fit nicely. too nicely?

I was expecting Hodges to pull out a gun and shoot that guy but clubbing him with a glass bottle was soooo much cooler. and awww he was upset he stained his shirt. every scene he is in is fun to watch, even if it is over-the-top comic booky. but meet with the President? in the White House? um, doesn't he realize they would arrest him right away? that guy has got some grapes!

the mole

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the prefix code 16309?

But seriously, what can go wrong when you've got Wild Bill Guarnere in the White House?
This guy made it through D-Day for crying out loud!