Friday, April 24, 2009


I think maybe the luster Prison Break once had is now long gone. Sure, for a time, I was enjoying season four; it wasn't a return to those glory days of the first season, but it ably washed away the bad taste of that drab third season. But now I think I'm just ready for the show to end.

I'm not sure I can even explain it. Tonight's episode did have many of the elements that have made for great Prison Break episodes of the past -- scenes of actions, mysteries to be solved, moments of tension between characters (Sara's pregnancy secret, Michael and Linc at odds with one another, and so forth). Yet it somehow just seemed so boring.

I mean, I love T-Bag getting a showcase moment, but distracting the guards as an "elephant rights activist?" And the General and the brothers' Mom in a sort of villainous Cliché Off as we watched them both order lackeys around?

Did this new "V.S." character know that his cell phone had been taken? How else could he have expected to get away with lying to "Lincoln's Four" about knowing Mom when all manner of incriminating information was right there on the phone?

Why is Mom so stupid as to leave that note behind?

Does Self bring anything of value to this team?

Will this series get good again before it's all over?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
