Monday, February 01, 2010

Day 8, 9:00-10:00 PM

I hate it when my drones lag.

So, I guess Renee and Jack think there's no chance that Vlad has bugged his own office?

Josef tries to give "stuck in traffic" as an excuse. This is instantly suspicious since no one ever gets stuck in traffic on 24.

Vlad says that he'd had too much to drink that time with Renee. Maybe they were watching a two-hour season premiere of 24?

The President's involvement in this episode is to watch videos on "YouSpace" or "FaceTube" or some fictional site like that.

CTU actually has an H.R. department? If they also do the background checks, that explains a lot.

That van Kevin's driving won't look at all conspicuous in the CTU parking lot.

Renee takes a shower with her apparently waterproof comm device.

Renee says "I'm going dark." No kidding.

Jack Bauer puts on comically large glasses to assume his undercover identity. He really is Superman.

Bazhaev says that you should never endanger the family. Like by, say, sending one of them to hang out with some weapons grade uranium.

Thus concludes this very sober week of 24.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah, I'm so jealous are you going to look at my butt while I walk away? awesome Chloe goodness. made even more funny with the chosen camera angle for her walk-away.

Renee was freaking out at the possible Jack assassination but I was not worried at all. at this point in the series it's more fun to anticipate how awesomely Jack will mess them up instead. I'm surprised nobody thought about the possible repercussions of killing a guy who had hundreds of millions of dollars. isn't that like killing a mob guy, you just know the mob would be after you!

Renee was an undercover agent, for years, and looking as good as she does? she has got to be used to this kind of "abuse" by now...

and what's up with all of the murderous psycho dads on 24? even Jack's own dad was a psycho who murdered a son!

the mole

Anonymous said...

No, he's Jack Buyer now, and he's one pissed-off customer.