Monday, July 19, 2010

Upgrading the Apparatus

After nearly three years of Rock Band fake drumming, and a friendly push from FKL, I decided to spring for an actual drum kit and start playing for real. Of course, being in a condo situation, an acoustic kit wasn't really an option, but they make some pretty damn impressive electronic drums these days.

Enter the Roland TD9S, with 50 different built-in "kits" (sound sets), songs to play along with, a metronome and tempo tracker to tell you if you're on the beat, and all sorts of other widgets. After just a few days, I'm already smitten. I've also found myself taking to it a lot faster than my efforts to play guitar... just don't expect me out "gigging" any time soon.

But hey, if you're starting a band...


Roland Deschain said...

I'm still stuck on "medium", and you've upgraded past "expert" to "gaze down upon the peons".

I'll just stay over here on the microphone, thankyouverymuch. :P

Anonymous said...

Way to go! And about time, too. :)
Like I said, I'm stuck at groove 25. Let's see if you can race past me before my tendons give me the go-ahead to resume my drumming...


Jason said...

Now, if you were a real stud, you'd cut off your left arm and learn to drum like the guy from Def Leppard.