Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Numbers You Have Reached...

I recently upgraded the software driving my smart phone. (So that I could play the new Droid version of Angry Birds, he confessed.)

The previous incarnation of the system software had the ability to link the profiles of my Facebook friends with contacts in my phone. I don't know whether I'd quite call it "handy," but it was one of the phone's many minor conveniences -- automatically seeing a friend's Facebook picture show up when they called.

Well, the new software goes a step farther, and pulls even more data from my network of Facebook friends. Specifically, if one of my friends has a phone number listed in his or her Facebook profile, that number now shows up as a contact on my phone.

So first of all: I am truly shocked at how many people just put their phone number on their Facebook profile. Seriously, I don't understand why anyone would do that. (There are literally dozens and dozens of you who do it and may well be reading this, so perhaps you'll enlighten me.)

Secondly, and I hope I'm not offending anyone too deeply in saying this, but I'm not truly all that close to everyone I've friended on Facebook. Be honest; you aren't either. It's fun to get back in touch with someone you haven't talked to in years and years, sure. But I'm not sure I just automatically want that person's phone number saved in my cell phone. This may be a case of technology being "too helpful."

Or... maybe you'd really like a phone call from me some time? You could always drop me a hint via a Facebook message.

Don't worry. I have your phone number.


Roland Deschain said...

I'm with ya. It surprises me as well. I have almost no contact info of any kind on my social networks. Reason? The people I want to get in touch with me off the network...already can. I dont need advertisers or stalkers or whatever finding me.

There are some people for whom my Facebook contact is the perfect amount of interaction...and I don't need them calling or emailing. I get enough stuff that requires a response from Snopes. ;-)

DavĂ­d said...

I only let my phone number be shown to close friends and family members. Who, granted, probably already have my number, but in case they lose it or are without their phone and with facebook, it could come in handy for them. I know people have called or sent me something using my contact info from facebook.