Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rock Collection

I really like my condo, but if it I could change one thing about it, I'd want more space in the "living room area." Rock Band nights in there are more than a bit congested -- even more so with the recent addition of another instrument. It's so tight in there that I really don't even have enough room for all the chairs and other furniture I might otherwise like to have.

But if I did, I'd probably have to get this:

That's right, some company has decided to manufacture an ottoman designed for holding all your Rock Band instruments. Seems obvious, doesn't it?

Actually, I have a handy friend who built and upholstered his own ottoman. I'm sure he could manage something like this. But back to the whole "I haven't got the space" thing. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

imagine one of those secret-spy houses where the wall flips open to reveal the racks of guns. only with Rock Band instruments.

the mole