Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm a little short on content today. All the way short. So I'm filling in with a great video that FKL brought to my attention this morning. Brian Blessed does snooker commentary:

In response to FKL's posting, I noted that as a kid, I used to get Brian Blessed confused with John Rhys-Davies. Probably had to do with seeing Flash Gordon and Raiders of the Lost Ark relatively close to each other. Anyway, both actors are awesome, but I think Brian Blessed pulls a bit ahead with this.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but hear a Rounders echo in your second sentence, there.
I've really watched that movie too many times.
(And I just feel like watching it again...)


DrHeimlich said...

And I probably put it there without even being completely conscious of it. For the same reason.