Monday, January 13, 2014

Asus High

Some of my readers with good memories may recall several months back when I reported on the demise of my old laptop. Though this was not overstated, the report was possibly a bit premature. I went on kinda-sorta using that laptop for the rest of 2013. With the power supply from a different laptop, I was able to continue running the device -- albeit plugged in to the wall, with the battery no longer able to recharge. Between that and my iPad (for which my boyfriend got me a great bluetooth keyboard for my birthday), I felt like I was able to get by.

But of course, the laptop was already slow, and only being able to use it while plugged in sort of defeated the purpose of it being a laptop. So eventually, I had to figure out a replacement. I finally figured out what I wanted, and ushered in the new year with a new Asus Vivobook:

This is my first touch screen PC, but the pump had been primed for that after all those months of iPad use. It wasn't a feature I thought I really needed, but it has proven to sometimes be a handy thing to have.

Of course, as is always the case with a computer upgrade, I'm blown away by how much faster and reliable the new machine is. And after weeks of use, I might finally have all the settings and layout the way I want it again.

So now the cycle can begin anew.

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