Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Christmas Time Is Here...

I hope all of you (who celebrate it) had a good Christmas this year. Mine was great. A nice, long day at my parents' house with all my brothers and sisters, and my grandmother in town visiting as well.

We observed a number of holiday traditions in our family, including a big group effort on a jigsaw puzzle. Unfortunately, this year's puzzle was obnoxiously difficult, but it didn't take much away from the festivities.

Now that there are no "kids" in the family, Christmas is a very different affair. It used to be things got started around 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning. This year, I was specifically told, "don't come before 10:00." Ah, sleeping in. I can totally get behind that as a new family tradition.

Of course, one other big change this year was the massive amount of snow on the ground. True to form for Colorado, it did not actually snow on December 25th. But with more snow still left from last week than normally falls during the average snowstorm, I think it can reasonably be declared a "white Christmas."

Now begins that last dash for 2007!

1 comment:

GiromiDe said...

I'm glad that everyone had a safe Christmas in spite of the piles of snow. Ours consisted of exciting home projects like removing carpet in our living room.