Thursday, August 30, 2007

His Power is to Shoot Fireballs

At Gen Con, I saw a t-shirt that might just give the previous geekiest t-shirt I've ever seen a run for its money:

And for those interested in "Tooth Watch," things are generally going well for me today, with one exception. Hiccups suck when you have fresh wounds in your mouth. I don't know what it is... maybe sucking down all that air with my hummingbird-sized bites of food, but I've been getting hiccups on and off all day long. And every time I do, of course, I start bleeding all over again. Joy.

Here's hoping for a better night's sleep tonight, though.


Anonymous said...

Man, you had such a good opportunity to come up with a better one than "Tooth Watch" (but it was a great call out to Stephen Colbert).

How about:
"For those of you chomping at the bit..."
"Brace yourself for an update..."
"Chew on this bit of information..."

Or maybe even a better catch phrase like:

"Tooth Re-cap"
"Operation: No Wisdom"
"Brushed Aside"

Or my favorite:

"I jiggled it till the white stuff came out"

GiromiDe said...

Hang in there.

As to the T-shirt, I'd imagine this is as close to Heroes as you're gonna get on this blog. :)

Don Roeber said...

...I bought that shirt.

DrHeimlich said...

Nice puns there. I guess I'm still not feeling back to myself if I couldn't come up with something better.

Or maybe I'm just planning to start selling "Gum Strong" bracelets soon. :-)

And yeah, giromide. I'm glad other people enjoy Heroes. I don't see that I'll ever be one of them.

GiromiDe said...

I'm in limbo with Heroes. There were a handful of decent episodes last season, and one excellent one: "Company Man."

It was paced like so many of those bad short stories in my college Fiction class -- mine included. You have your protracted setup, punctuated with moments of greatness and moments of annoyance. You have some threads that go nowhere. Then, everything happens at once. The story gets rushed to a telegraphed climax that's been beating the reader over the head since page one.

Anonymous said...

lol that's awesome I gotta go hunt one of those shirts down!

I've probably told you the story before about how when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out I marathon-played Chrono Trigger all weekend. video games have a way of making me forget I should've eaten something a while ago...

or you could purchase the Heroes season 1 box set and marathon-watch that? hehe sarcasm doesn't translate well on the interweb. (the show is much better if you zone out and ignore the heavy-handed monologues)

the mole