Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi...

...I need a wheel man.

I was mildly entertained by this brief news story about a woman who robbed a bank in a Star Wars costume. But I was more annoyed by the lazy reporting that failed to tell us what Star Wars costume.

Judging by the photo, I'm thinking (hoping) it wasn't as Slave Leia.

But seriously, was she dressed as a stormtrooper? Chewbacca? Chief Chirpa?

We may never know.


Anonymous said...

clearly she's still wearing the Jabba the Hutt costume. or maybe Boss Nass.

the mole

EJ said...

The video shows a silver mask of a skull. My guess is the person that called it a "Star Wars" costume has no idea what they're talking about.

- Enrique

DrHeimlich said...

It just reaffirms something I've always noticed. Every time I see a news story about a subject I know anything about, I notice at least one factual inaccuracy in the piece.

Assuming that the same level of inaccuracy must be present in ALL the stories, the other ones covering things I don't personally know much about, I must conclude that a frightening percentage of news coverage is loaded with mistakes.

Roland Deschain said...

I thought Sarlac was a pit, not a moving being that could rob banks!


But in all honesty, for those of us who had to suffer through the animated 'The Clone Wars" movie, she looks disturbingly like Zero the Hutt.