Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I've been so glad to have a DVR for the last three months, and the ability to skip over the deluge of political commercials.

I feel much better now.


Anonymous said...

if you were skipping the commercials you may not have seen these, but the ones that annoyed me the most were the ones where the actual candidate was talking and then they would spout out the "...I approved this message..." like duh, they are talking. how could they not approve what they are talking about? I'm the mole and I approved this message.

the mole

Roland Deschain said...

Once. Just once. I'd like to see an ad spouting all this crap and then have a clip of the candidate saying: "I'm John McCain and I a...what the HELL did we just say??"


Jason said...

My phone is already gathering dust. Where are my six calls a day from candidates?!