Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 7, 9:00-10:00 PM

Jack Bauer is the Fastest Hotwire in the East.

Suddenly, I'm feeling validated in my choice of Sprint for my cell phone service, but I'm not sure why.

"If Bauer connects us to Juma, it could seriously impede this operation." Impede?

In a further effort to make us believe this hitman guy as the credible Evil Jack Bauer, they even put the same number of letters in his name -- John Quinn.

Is there a piano player at Senator Mayer's house?

Ethan: "I said no comment." Actually, no, he didn't.

The little O'Brian is named "Prescott?" Rough enough having Chloe and Morris for parents.

Ooo... Blowfish 148! Deadly if not encrypted properly.

As Eddie Izzard has taught us, there's always a "backdoor."

Okay, this whole "Quinn's good" thing is a little ridiculous. A call goes out over the radio to send cops to Senator Mayer's house, and the nearest police station can't get people there before him?

CSI has taught me that what Jack is leaving is a trail of "gravitational blood drops."

Jack doesn't need a license to operate heavy machinery.

So, is it some kind of professional courtesy that a guy like Quinn tells Jack what he knows just because Jack killed him? Seriously, if the situation were somehow reversed, can you imagine Jack Bauer saying anything other than "go to hell!"?

Why does Quinn have any info on his cell phone about the weapons shipment? He's a hitman. How is he even in the loop on this other thing?

Looks like Tony might finally be seeing some action again next week. But for now, just three lines or so.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why I didn't see it coming, but the show totally "got me" with the surprise of Quinn showing up to kill the Senator who was about to help Jack do things the "right way". I'm actually glad I didn't see it coming because I was thrilled with the excitement of the shocking twist in direction. looking back I guess it's kinda obvious, but at the time I jumped out of my chair and screamed at the TV! fun stuff.

I thought the bulldozer was a little over-the-top but the knife/2x4 combo to the chest was awesome. I think Quinn was evil-villain-gloating with the "you're too late." type of line.

are we watching a hockey game here? Chloe is out of the penalty box but in goes Renee...

the mole

Jason said...

I was thinking, "Stupid hitman. When you're inside a prefab building and you hear heavy machinery starting up, you don't look around, you get out now."