Friday, May 14, 2010

Lick Long and Prosper

Alan Dean Foster, a prolific sci-fi writer who has written more movie novelizations than I can count, wrote the book version of last year's new Star Trek film. This novel, in turn, was read in audiobook form by the new Spock himself, Zachary Quinto.

(For the moment, let's leave aside my considerable confusion over why anyone would want to listen to a recording of someone reading a book adapted from the script of a film, as opposed to just seeing the film.)

Some very enterprising people (ha!) decided to take this audiobook, a sound editing program, and do something dirty. Perhaps you've heard of "slash fiction?" It's fan fiction about two characters having a sexual encounter. In this case: Kirk and Spock.

Be warned, this is surprisingly dirty, given the source material, and even more surprisingly sounds rather authentic, given that it's assembled from all sorts of scattered sound bites.

Once you've heard it, there's no going back.

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