Monday, January 31, 2022

Prodigy: A Moral Star

Star Trek: Prodigy is soon heading into its second mid-season break with, it seems, a two-part episode that kicked off with "A Moral Star."

The Diviner issues a threat to the Protostar crew: bring him the ship, or he'll kill the other miners in the prison they escaped. Sensing a betrayal in the offing, our heroes make plans to outwit the Diviner.

A multi-part episode is always going to leave you hanging, but this latest Prodigy felt to me more like a traditional one-hour Star Trek episode we've all just been forced to pause in the middle. It didn't leave us at the moment of maximum suspense, with most of the crew out of the immediate danger they'd been in. (Not that there weren't cliffhangers, though.)

There were definite finale vibes everywhere, with this episode serving up a summary and restatement of many of the themes from earlier in the season. Our heroes demonstrate definitively that they have learned to work together as a team. (And they've all got the spiffy new uniforms to prove it.) Dal is shedding his more selfish instincts. Gwyn is willing to stick her own neck out for others. There were also very explicit callbacks too, from "the cat they didn't save" in the pilot episode to the Kobayashi Maru to Gwyn's malapropism for "cahoots."

The payoffs are always deferred until later in any two-part episode, but there was some satisfaction here all the same. Mainly, in actors getting to chew the scenery. John Noble really put arch spin on every line he delivered as The Diviner, and it was pretty fun. And Kate Mulgrew certainly leaned into the corrupted version of Janeway created when the hologram's program was altered.

But really... I don't have too many thoughts on this episode. Just waiting to see how the first half (or second quarter, I guess) of Star Trek: Prodigy wraps up next week before heading into another break. I'd give "A Moral Star" a B.

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