Monday, March 09, 2009

Day 7, 8:00-9:00 PM

The TV anchor starts off the hour by mentioning a "perimeter." (Drink.)

The Vice President wants a message relayed to Moss that he already gave him 10 minutes ago. A "re-relay," if you will.

Bill becomes the second Buchanan to make a giant mess in the White House.

And the Candyman's incredibly short run on 24 comes to an end as well.

We get a silent clock to close the act, just so we're all sure than Bill is actually "dead dead" and not "Tony dead."

It's not a good day to be one of Olivia Taylor's parents.

I've forgotten... where was Ethan supposed to have been during this whole White House takeover?

We learn that "damn bitch" doesn't warrant a "Language" warning at the start of the episode. At least, not when Jon Voight says it.

Agent Moss sends Agent Walker to her room.

Maybe last week, when Jack Bauer told you to fight climate change, you weren't listening. Maybe you'll listen to the President of the United States?

All the explosions on 24 must be very eco-friendly.

Jack gives the hospital doctor a look that says: "I promised I wouldn't hurt Burnett. And you're not Burnett."

You don't drink when Moss screams "dammit," no matter how loudly.

Chloe and Tony are off somewhere for a week. But not getting killed, though, so probably for the best for them.


Anonymous said...

I liked the quick exposition of "oh, Quinn. he's good. (pause and look satisfied) but Jack Bauer's good too." like Jon Voight was just as interested as the audience should be.

I'm really worried about the lack of hospital security. especially with all of these high-value targets getting taken out so easily. not the place you want to be this season... Mr. Taylor is still in a hospital? he needs more guards STAT!

the mole

Jared said...

This season of 24 has taught me that you can get around security by climbing through drop-panel ceilings.


DrHeimlich said...

Jared --

Well, of course you can! They're all so spacious and well lit!