Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 8, 1:00-2:00 PM

With all the deaths and departures this season, actor John Boyd keeps moving up in the opening credits. If the show weren't ending next week, he might be the star soon enough.

Mmm... evisceration. Drink while watching 24 -- it's tradition. But for your own sake, don't eat.

If you ever meet Jack Bauer in person, and are fortunate enough to survive the encounter, you will at least have to buy a new cell phone.

How exactly do you call ahead to a news agency and say, "just in case some evidence happens to show up in the next hour or so, I didn't know anything about it." ??

Logan says Taylor should tell the press that if the story gets out, more lives will be lost. She dismisses this as "more lies." Actually, I'm fairly certain this is the ONE true thing Logan has said. After all, it follows that if a peace agreement goes unsigned, lives will be lost as a result.

Facial recognition and Chloe say that Michael Madsen has a twin that looks 82% like him.

Eat your bananas.

Jack has upgraded to a bigger "Jack Sack." Which, among other things, appears to include a Darth Vader mask.

There's bullet proof, and then there's Bauer proof. (Which nothing is.)

Chloe needs to hear what's going on in the CTU shower.

I'm pretty sure they can hear you through that glass door, Mr. Editor Guy.

The Russian in the garage sure gave up information fast for a "tough guy."

Jack just got stabbed again. Does that mean he'll be sleeping with that anonymous Russian thug in about 12 hours?

Poor Meredith Reed, getting arrested again for the second consecutive day.

If you think that what Jack did with the fireplace poker is something, you should see what happened to the tongs and the shovel.

Time to "trade up bad guys" one more time. We've got quotas to meet, you know.


Anonymous said...

even Jack gave a disbelieving sigh when he saw the hokey Vader mask. Logan's little girl screams to the poor driver/guard were hilarious "That's Jack Bauer! That's JACK BAUER!!!" sooo funny!

I like the implied awesomeness of not showing Jack stab a guy with a fire poker. just showing the dead guy on the floor in the aftermath is good enough to imagine yourself a cool scene. no need to waste time actually showing it.

I have to say, they really twisted around the plot at the end here. Taylor and Jack are acting like villains and there is no clear path out of the dark forest. at least Jack spares the lives of the squealers; Logan and chump Russian driver only got painful knockouts.

the mole

Shocho said...

Jack Bauer IS IRON MAN.

Anonymous said...

I thought he looked more like Batman but everybody here at work is saying Iron Man, too. when he put his foot over the hole in the windshield I could have sworn I saw a cape.

the mole