Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 8, 12:00-1:00 PM

Watching a video on 24. It's almost like watching a flashback or something.

Arlo's sad that Dana's dead. He has no one to harass with his lame innuendo now.

"Yesterday." Not a word you hear often on 24.

You mean they could have done that smoky window thing with the CTU offices at any time, and it's only now that someone thinks to use them?

Maybe that's because when the windows look like that, it looks like Pillar and his aide are taking a shower together.

Let's use the Sprint mobile hot spot.

What kind of assassin leaves his cell phone ringer on?

The Russian president is landing "in the next half hour." The press will be notified of Logan's pivotal role "in time for the 1:00 news." We sure are going out of our way not to say "within the hour."

Set up a two block "perimeter." (Drink! Finally! It's been like three weeks!)

"You don't want to do this." Actually, I'm pretty sure Jack does.

"This isn't working. Dammit!" (Drink!)


Anonymous said...

I think they could have given Jack a better line before he gutted the hitman. back-to-back weeks of Jack being a cold blooded vengeance tornado. the look on his face when Logan's voice mail message came up was priceless. is Jack really going to kill a former President?!

I like the Madsen character because it seems like he's a Tony- or Chloe-level character that we've just never seen before. like what kind of seasons have we missed out on that he was in?

and yeah the smoke window thing was cool and puzzling at the same time. they could have been using that all season!

the mole

Shocho said...

How much torture can you use and still be a hero? Vengeance doesn't make it any better, either. That was disgusting.