Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Did I Like Lost? Does a Bear Take Captives in the Woods?

There were a lot of things I liked about tonight's episode of Lost, and one big thing I didn't like. Altogether, it added up to an episode I give a general thumbs up, but that I didn't enjoy as much as last week's Jin and Sun installment.

On the plus side, we got to see almost the exact drama play out that I complained was missing in the premiere two weeks ago -- we saw the emotional impact on Locke over the loss of the hatch and being proved so wrong. And it played out in tandem with an appropriate flashback, a completely new chapter of Locke's past where he also grossly misjudged the truth. (In his flashbacks, Locke is gaining quite a poor track record as a judge of character!)

The return of Boone in spectral vision quest guide form was a nice bonus.

The apparent "future sight" ability of Desmond is a bizarre and intriguing new wrinkle.

But on the down side, the island Macguffin to frame all of this interesting drama and emotion was pretty absurd. A polar bear took Eko hostage, and Locke had to go into its cave on a rescue mission? Huh? I think maybe the writers were on the same stuff Locke took in the sweat lodge when they came up with that storyline. It was strange and off-putting, even by Lost standards.

It's hard to believe, but we're already halfway done with this planned "mini-run" of six episodes. I think the pace is going to have to pick up considerably in the weeks ahead to get us to the mammoth cliffhanger I'm sure is awaiting us.


GiromiDe said...

Um, Evan, I think we're supposed to believe that these bears are... well... smarter than the average bear. These are Dharma bears after all.

DrHeimlich said...

I don't care if it's a brain of human intelligence in a bear body -- it's still preposterous.

Stephen Colbert is angry about this development too.

GiromiDe said...

Perhaps they were cross-bred with Wampas. They allows their captives enough time to be rescued or escape on their own.

Davíd said...

I liked this episode the best of this season as it finally dealt with the characters and how they are reacting to current events. While I thought the Jin/Sun flashbacks last week were really good insights into who Sun is, the stuff outside the flashbacks did nothing for me.

This episode finally feels like the lost I enjoyed where a character has to deal with life on the island and we see through flashbacks who they are and that informs why they are dealing with it the way they are.

Yeah, the polar bear kidnapping echo was incredibly stupid. I can only hope the writers have some future plan for the polar bear, otherwise it is just plain ridiculous (and the danger around rescuing echo could have been made more believable).

Davíd said...

I've mentined that I've been disenchanted with Lost and this episode was its last chance - it used it well. I'll stick with it for another few episodes.