Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Zealand Cheese Heist

Here's another silly-vague news story that caught my attention. This time it was for two words I never would have thought to see together outside of a Wallace & Gromit plot: cheese heist.

What few facts there are in the story certainly lend themselves to some kind of grand clay-animated adventure. As the couple fled in their getaway car, they were "throwing blocks of cheese out the window as they went." I get all kinds of awesome visuals of a high-speed chase, blocks of cheese flying, cars narrowly avoiding them!

I know it can't quite be reality, because police said "it was believed passers-by had helped themselves to cheese blocks found by the roadside." I don't think I could just eat some strange cheese I found on the side of the road!


Roland Deschain said...

I dunno...after that cheese challenge in Amazing Race, we know that it's resilient enough to roll at high speeds and hit things without even breaking the wax covering! If I saw someone tossing a couple hundred dollar wheel of cheese...

Well first I'd step out of the way. After that though, I'd think about it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

"Honey I'm home. I found some Nacho Cheese on the side of the road today."

"How do you know what type of cheese it was?"

"Because there was a kid following me saying 'That's nacho cheese! That's nacho cheese!'"

yeah it's a terrible joke but so very appropriate.

the mole

Jason said...

Damn you, I was going to tell the nacho cheese joke!

Roland, Mythbusters also tried shooting cheese out of a cannon recently. I don't remember what kind it was that fared well, but it wasn't the gouda.

Roland Deschain said...

Hehe...that was a great episode. And the cheese was Garrotxa that went through the sail.

Although all of those cheeses...have the nasty side effect of feeding your enemy in that case. ;-)