Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 8, 4:00-5:00 AM

Da system... is down.

"CTU is blind, deaf, and dumb." Before, they were just dumb.

Do they want to open the box and look at the nuclear rods one more time? I mean, David Blaine could have crawled in there since they last checked.

"They're here, dammit!" (Drink!)

Cue the annual CTU inter-agency jurisdictional turf war.

Renee has an unusually large phone for this show, specifically so that she can use both hands to do things and tuck the phone under her chin while she talks to Chloe.

Parole Officer Prady says if Dana finds anything, she's got his number. Yes, but it doesn't work, since his phone was just in an EMP, right?

Last time Chloe pulled a gun, back in like season 5, she got that crazy James Bond music. Strangely, I kinda miss it.

The agent with Jack and Cole learned impatience from the same place as President Hassan's brother... keep your cool until 10 seconds before you're in the clear, and then completely freak out and run!

Helmets are the red shirts of 24.

Hassan has to be strong too. Just like his hair spray.

For the third straight week, no President Taylor. Does anyone miss her?

If Chloe does start a fire like that guy thinks, at least there's six inches of standing water in the basement.

Hastings stands up straight for the first time in his life.

Dana has officially become the proxy for the writers. She's making it up as she goes along.

I don't think I've seen a vent that big even in a sci-fi film.

Okay... whoa... wait. TIME OUT.

Have we now officially merged the worst ongoing plotline in the history of 24 with the most recurring plot device in the history of 24? Dana's a frakking mole?!!! This does not even remotely track retroactively. Why did she not just plug Kevin and be done with it if she's a heartless killer? Why did she need Cole to do her dirty work? And why in the world did she spend three hours away from CTU when she should have been there passing valuable intel to her associates?

This officially undoes ANY cool factor the show earned with the good Renee and Chloe moments this week. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for confirming my suspicions that I did the right thing by bailing on this show a couple years ago. :)

- Darrell

Anonymous said...

Darrell: Yeah, I sort of feel like you do, except that it's such a train wreck that I can't help but wait and see what it will all amount to.

Dr.: There's absolutely NO WAY "Dana the Mole" was planned in advance. Nothing works. The show is so badly written on so many levels, it boggles the mind.

Take the EMP for instance: it supposedly fried everything. That's what they keep telling us. (And they had Chloe say that she could fix it better than the NSA bastard five times. FIVE TIMES. But I digress.) Everything wiped, everything burned out. Right?
But in fact, it looks like all Chloe had to do was plug in a few wires (really small gauge, and with alligator clips for God's sake) to effectively restore EVERYTHING. So in the end nothing was fried: Chloe just needed to patch together a new power-bar.

One last thing. Last week, after CTU went down, I thought it was a pretty clever idea: they would have to resort to "low-tech" solutions to keep doing their jobs for an episode or two. No sirree: we'll dodge that opportunity and get back to the recipe as fast as we can.
They seem so terrified to stray from the established, well traveled (and moldy) path that they shy from any original idea with a passion.

Man they suck.


Anonymous said...

WTF Dana is a mole??!! I was stunned. STUNNED! for a few moments before the logic processors kicked it, it was really cool. but yeah it turns out it doesn't make any sense at all. let's hope she doesn't have a daughter-held-hostage motivation as well.

And it was pretty obvious how Renee found Jack since there were like 8 people shooting machine guns at each other for a half hour. Yeah Jack is gotta be in the middle of that! at least Jack has a working vest unlike the other two poor guys.

Chloe stole the show with her awkward Jack-style "do whatever it takes" moment. I like 24 best when it's "realistic" but since I don't know exactly what a real EMP does or how it fries things, I can accept that she can fix it if it makes her a hero of sorts. I will avoid the curiosity to research real EMPs...

the mole

Jason said...

However, apparently an ex-FBI agent is the only person who can find the half-hour-long raging gun battle. I know it's 4 in the morning, but there's not a cop for a mile around? Hello? Anyone?

Jared said...

Fox cancels 24:

They should have released this April 1st to make people wonder.

DrHeimlich said...

I'm sad to say that I feel relieved.

Jared said...

I thought the article covered it well. Rising costs, lack of new ideas and less viewers.

I do wonder if "there's a movie idea in the works" is a trick to make you think Jack will survive the rest of this year. I wouldn't mind Jack going down in a blaze of glory.