Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Package

Tonight's episode of Lost was significant for being the first episode since the season premiere to actually include all the main characters -- including even, in the final moments, Desmond. (Poor guy just wants to be off the Island with his Penny, but just can't get his happy ending!)

With all the characters having a part this week, you might think that episode was a bit short on drama or emotion, but that wasn't the case. Sun and Jin's Sideways story arc wasn't necessarily up there with Lost's most powerful stuff, but it was an interesting and at times poignant story. This story, in which the two were not married but very much in love with one another, contrasted nicely with their flashbacks of earlier seasons, in which they were married but not in love with one another (anymore).

Again, you have to wonder about Jacob a bit. Again, assuming that the Sideways world is a natural extension of events if Jacob had never interfered with the lives of his "candidates," Sun and Jin clearly end up happier this way. Granted, Jin and Sun did reconnect after arriving on the Island, but it was a bumpy road indeed. What's possibly more strange is that Jin was sterile until the Island healed him. In the Sideways world, Sun seemed to be pregnant with no supernatural/magical intervention. Did Jacob's manipulation of the couple include making Jin sterile?

Mental ticklers aside, the best moments of tonight's episode were simple and quick character beats well sprinkled throughout the episode. UnLocke telling Claire that soon enough, she would be free to kill Kate. Ilana telling Ben she knows he's lying because he's talking. Jin getting to see pictures of his daughter for the first time. Widmore's brief confrontation with Ol' Smokey. Sideways Sayid's reluctant concession to help Jin -- or at least, to put him in a position to help himself. The symmetry of Sideways Mikhail losing an eye.

This wasn't the feast that some of the episodes this season have been, but I nevertheless found it a very enjoyable and satisfying hour.

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