Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Sayid's episode of Lost tonight was another strong hit for me in this final season. So far, the "flash-sideways" have been used to really call out the differences between who are castaways are and who they "might have been." This time out was an interesting episode if for no other reason than this: it was very much open to debate whether Sayid was any different at all.

In the Island world, you had him siding with UnLocke -- Evil Incarnate, if you believe the Temple-dwelling others. He still thinks of himself as good, while acknowledging a darkness in himself; and yet none of that really matters in terms of his actions. In the Sideways world, he still tries to do the right thing by Nadia, and yet still finds himself in situations where he's murdering people. Regardless of his reasons, he still has this darkness in himself.

As this compelling character study played out, we got to enjoy lots of other fun moments along the way:

The delicious but brief return of Keamy.

The dark look in Claire's eyes when Kate told her she had been raising Aaron.

That kick-ass extended fight sequence in the opening.

That fantastic moment when UnLocke promises Sayid whatever he wants. How could you not know that's not on the level; and yet, how could you say no?

That look of terror that flashed on Ben's face as he confronted Sayid. If you're scaring Ben of all people, you know you've gone seriously dark.

Based on the loose thread of Sayid finding Jin in the Sideways world as that storyline closed, it seems we'll be in for a story about him and/or Sun next week. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

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