Thursday, March 30, 2006

Totally Insane-y

I know I've mentioned upcoming release of The Animaniacs on DVD before. But I'm just that excited. And I'm having a lazy blog night. And there are pictures of the box now, which makes the whole thing seem more real.

Thank you, Yakko, for teaching me all the nations of the world (circa 1993). Thank you, Wakko, for teaching me all the U.S. state capitols. Thank you, Dot, for... being so cute.

That's all.


Anonymous said...


"are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?"

"I think so Brain, but if Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?"

I'll also use this opportunity to (again) plug the Gamecube Animaniacs game, subtitled The Great Edgar Hunt. it was a better-than-average Mario64 style 3D platformer. kept my interest enough to finish it. and it used the voices from the show so it was kinda like bonus new stuff (the Warners were great!) not as many cameos from the rest of the cast but there was a few (Pinky/Brain & Chicken Boo hidden in each world.) so if you're craving some Animaniacs goodness that would hit the spot!

the mole

Mkae said...

To this day, I burp classical music. Thank you Wacko.

Oh yeah, "Hellooooooooo nurse!"

TheGirard said...

Voltron on DVD>>>Animaniacs on DVD

that doesn't mean I won't buy them both

DavĂ­d said...

Animaniacs was awesome. Though I do feel inclined to point out that the countries of the world song did miss about 50 countries even at that time. And it included the controversial choice of Taiwan.