Wednesday, May 31, 2006


This is not an original photo taken by yours truly, but it was too great not to share:
I know I'm lovin' it.


Shocho said...

The problem is with that top headline, which can be taken two ways. Either be serious about fighting childhood obesity, or eat some more food and get obese. These are like drug abuse seminars, about which I always ask, "Will there be samples? Cause I want to learn more about abusing drugs."

The word "prevention" always has to be in there somewhere. Now excuse me, I have to get a Big 'N' Tasty.

GiromiDe said...

I'll take this in the absence of new Lost posts for the next few months.

TheGirard said...

Remember the one that Juz posted about that is just north of downtown?

The one that has the "virginia is for lovers" and on the other one it has talk about teen pregnancy.

Trundling Grunt said...
