Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lost and Found

As down as I was about last week's season premiere of Lost, I'm pleased about this week's installment. This week had nearly everything the first episode did not:

Good character moments between people we know and care about, instead of uninteresting mystery dialogue between strangers. There were great scenes with Sayid, Sun, and Jin, and even better moments involving Kate and Sawyer.

Relevant and interesting flashbacks that revealed new information. We saw the (apparently) concluding chapter of Sun's affair, and it emotionally informed the action in the present.

Progression of the plot. Sayid and Jin tried to do something proactive against the Others, but ended up having a major resource stripped from them (the boat). We were reminded that Jin is considerably more shrewd and (sometimes) ruthless than he often comes off on the island.

And for the people that just geek out over the uber-mystery, there was also arguably more in this episode than the previous one, with the confirmation (though hinted at earlier) that the Others are indeed in contact with the outside world.

That's more like it.


GiromiDe said...

Last week wasn't that bad after a second viewing, but I agree it didn't really move the audience in any direction. It wasn't totally flat, but it barely registers.

My wife and I care a hell of a lot more about Jin and Sun than I do Jack, so this week was a real treat. Their flashbacks have consistently been meaty and relevant.

After all that was revealed, we can't say whether Mr. Paik sent a shadow for Jin because he knew Jin wouldn't kill Jae or Jae threw himself off the building. My wife doesn't think Jae was the suicidal type, but under those circumstances, it's hard to say.

We think the glass ballerina informed us that Sun was capable of more malice than Jin. Are we close?

How does Jin know some English? I know he can hear some words, but I recall a point-of-view shot where most of the words spoken to him were jibberish. I'm confused.

GiromiDe said...

Oh, and I could be totally wrong, but I think the Others are constructing a landing strip.

DavĂ­d said...

The Jin and Sun part was quite good. However, I found the rest of the episode to be almost as bad as last week.

I'm really tired of the "Just watch one more episode and you'll really know what's going on - Just Kidding! We're making this up as we go along" schtick that the writers keep throwing at us.

I find I just don't care anymore what's happening on the island. It appears Lost is about to lose me.