Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Woman King

Tonight's Helo-centric episode of Battlestar Galactica was my favorite since "Collaborators."

Helo and Sharon had an entire subplot to themselves running for the entirety of season one, and it was one of the most compelling elements of that year. So I think it's hard to go wrong focusing an episode around them. What's more, it was another episode that brought up some seriously dark areas -- just the kind of area Galactica explores so well.

And I have to admit, I got totally geek-giddy when "Head Baltar" strolled into the scene between Caprica Six and Sharon. All those episodes with all that Cylon stuff in the first half of the season, but nothing really picking up on this very compelling character aspect introduced near the end of season two. But here it was again tonight. And though it's a superficial detail, I think part of what gave it such a strong, visceral impact was seeing Baltar again without the "mountain man" beard he's acquired over season three.

As you may have seen promoted during the broadcast, they have a deleted scene from the episode being featured over at the official web site. It adds another interesting interaction of characters to the mix. It also will scratch the itch a bit if you thought there wasn't enough Adama in the episode.

Character-driven. Dark subject matter. Strong emotion. All the elements of my favorite Galactica episodes.


thisismarcus said...

I'm keeping up with the show as best I can from overseas. I've found a couple of people to swap downloads of U.S. shows with.

I must say I'm impressed with how they've handled Helo and Sharon this year, rarely going for the obvious. There was no shouting and screaming about Hera, and how they got her back was ingenius. Full marks!

Anonymous said...

I was in suspense right up until the end. it was a good twist on Helo's character to think that maybe he was going a bit too far with his higher-morals stuff.

Head-Baltar was great. I really liked how Roslin was spying on her and outright wondering what the heck Six was doing smooching the air.

but the best line was Tigh's "you better get your hand checked"

the mole

thisismarcus said...

I've now seen The Woman King and breathed a sigh of relief because I couldn't fathom who or what was going to be the "king of women" all week. Good mis-direct!