Sunday, February 04, 2007

Wonder Falls

Just this weekend, Joss Whedon announced that after spending over a year hammering away on a script for a potential Wonder Woman movie, he is off the project. I'm sure this comes as a disappointment to some comic fans, and is probably a disappointment to the man himself. But to me, it's nothing but good.

I don't give half a crap about Wonder Woman, and I'm just as relieved now to not have to go see the movie just cause Joss Whedon made it. Better still, he's free to go work on his own original material, a movie that's been in the works for a few months called Goners.

I'm still hoping he gets back into a weekly television series at some point. But I'm glad the side trip for the star-spangled panties is over.


Shocho said...

Wonder Woman got really awesome for a couple years while I was still buying comics, and I'd love to see that on the screen. Joss is God, and I'd love to see him write that flick too. But the best thing is that he made clear that we should move on with our lives. That was classy as always.

Anonymous said...

the hard part will be watching the Whedon-less version of whatever WW movie is made, and wondering what could have been...

the mole