Monday, June 02, 2008

Floating on Air

When I have company visit town and stay at my place, I usually have to go hit up my parents to borrow this air mattress they have. I sometimes think maybe I should get one of my own, but I only need it like once a year, so it doesn't seem like the best investment.

In any case, the air mattress my parents had had for something like a decade finally gave up the ghost a while back, and they replaced it with this huge beast of a thing:

It sits about two-plus feet off the ground. Thankfully, there's a pump to inflate the thing, because I think you'd die trying to do it on lung power.

As bizarre as the Mattress of Unusual Size is, it gets one step bizarrer in my estimation by its inclusion of instructions on how to use the inflation valve:

How you get that many words out of "pull open and put air in it; then push the tab closed" is beyond me.


Anonymous said...

the really frustrating part comes when you realize the salary of the Engineer who had to design and implement that instructional reference. similar to "caution: coffee is hot"

and on a completely off-topic reminder (I don't mean to go about thread-jacking here) you did know that this was on last night?...

the mole

Roland Deschain said...

All I remember is laughing that this thing came with a pump when you pulled it out.

Then I saw how frakking HUGE it got about halfway through.

And subsequently, the phrase "Well thank GOD it has a pump!" was uttered.

Hugest. Air Mattress. Ever.

Roland Deschain said...

Of course, you'd have to ask FKL if it was actually comfortable or not.

I seem to remember there being something about an actual bed for his next!!

Anonymous said...

Hold it right there roland -- I'm not the one who mentioned an actual bed. The Doctor did that himself. (Although it would be kind of nice of him, don't you think?)

The Air Monolith was actually pretty comfortable! Of course it's impossible to sit on one of those corners and read or type on a laptop or just try to put on your socks. You just slide around and down to the carpet. It feels like the mattress is spitting you out.

Which maybe it is... Call Stephen King.


Roland Deschain said...

Yes, yes FKL - you are correct. You didn't bring it up.

But I think you should have a bet for your next visit. If anything to keep that mattress from making those hungry slurping sounds when you get too close to it. ;-)