Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ride the Tall Boy

Here's a short little story about a man and his motorized beer cooler. Oh, what a short story to spawn so many questions.

First of all, there's a place selling motorized beer coolers? For when you only want the power of a child's moped, but you need the carrying space of a backpack you don't want to wear?

Secondly, I understand that the main point of a cooler is to carry drinks, but really -- the thing is by very definition a motor vehicle. So somehow this guy thinks he's going to be fine because he's not "drinking and driving?"

On the other hand, the part of me that's very mildly libertarian (can there be such a thing?) says, the odds of him actually hurting anybody else riding around on a cooler while under the influence of alcohol? About zero. Pretty much, he ends up with a hundred feet of road rash (if he lives) when he's dragged under a car he runs into. So let him be a complete idiot.


Anonymous said...

I love those "important" details in the article:

"The electricity-powered Cruzin Cooler that Marr was riding contained 14 beers, the chief said."

And now I can rightly feel informed.
Oh yeah.


Unknown said...

"the odds of him actually hurting anybody else riding around on a cooler while under the influence of alcohol? About zero."

I don't know... he swerves off the sidewalk and into traffic, driver on cell phone swerves into oncoming traffic to avoid him. Death. It isn't as likely as if he's driving a car, but it still is placing others at risk with his stupidity.

I know this is a different discussion, but anyone caught even TOUCHING a firearm while intoxicated needs to be locked up IMHO and I consider myself moderately libertarian (if there can be such a thing).