Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa's Like a Big, Scary Clown

Parents of young ones, listen up. Yes, a childless person is going to tell you something about how to raise your kid. But I have photographic evidence to back me up.

You'll get lots of varying opinions on when a child is "too old for Santa Claus." I'm here to tell you there is also such a thing as too young for Santa Claus. Sadly, many parents don't seem to realize this. They shove their traumatized child into the lap of the shopping mall Santa because they think it's way cool.

And then, they have photos to show for their bad parenting decision!

Photos like these.

My personal favorites are:

4 ("Holy crap!")
5 (Wow, three at once, and ALL miserable!)
6 (That Santa scares the shit out of me and I'm an adult!)
16 ("Screw you, Santa!")
20 ("Don't let him take me!")


Anonymous said...

those are hilarious!

and then I realize that those poor kids are truly terrified. and now I feel bad. but then I look again and laugh. what a conundrum.

the best ones are the with the kids reaching out to be rescued.
AAAh! I want to help them but it's so funny!

the mole

Kathy said...

Too late, man. Too late. (For me.)

This was at our mom & baby group at the hospital. She'd never, never, ever freaked out around anyone before. She sat on his lap for about 15 seconds (long enough to snap three pictures they later sent me for posterity) and even though she'd happily sat with people she didn't know before, apparently the big red suit and fluffy beard were horrifying to her.

Here is evidence of my parental shame.

I thought she was too young to even care, I swear!

verification word: undie