Saturday, December 20, 2008

Science Fiction-tific Study

Some idiot professor at a university in England has put forth his theory that all drivers fit into two categories: Mr. Spock or Homer Simpson. Or maybe he's a genius professor; anybody who can convince people to give him funding for a study in which people will be categorized as TV characters must have quite the silver tongue.

Of all the people in all of TV, he's going with Spock and Homer? When did Spock ever drive a car? And what about Homer's car seems so luxurious as to make him the icon of "making a car trip more enjoyable."


And because I know somebody's going to ask in the comments if I don't just come out with it, I suppose if these are the only two choices, I'm a Spock driver.


Shocho said...

As a driver I think I'm more like Sideshow Bob, more calculating than the fun-loving Homer.

Anonymous said...

why do these idiotic "scientific studies" make me want to RAGE!!!?

I should be happy for this guy that he scammed money away from other, more productive research?

I'm the Mr. T driver. "you better just knock me out, fool, and wake me up when we get there!"

the mole