Friday, June 25, 2010

180 Degrees

I'm having more mildly annoying moments with locks.

Early last week, I lost the key to my mailbox. Just a stupid fluke of a thing... I'm almost sure of where I dropped it outside, but of course I didn't notice it at the time. By the time I got home from work to check the area, it was gone. Carried away to some critter's home, chewed up in a lawnmower, or whatever, who knows? Point is, it was gone, and I had to pay (bummer) to get the lock on my mailbox changed.

It used to be that I had to insert my key into my mailbox with the "mountains" pointing left. But when they installed the new lock, it got reversed so that they have to point right. So it's a tiny fraction of a second of annoyance each time I go to check my mail now... "wha-- dammit! (flip)."

Or maybe I'm being too easily annoyed by minor things right now.

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