Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beat Drums! BEAT DRUMS!!! HahahahahahAAAAA!!!!

A friend sent me this video of a drummer "clearly in the wrong band":

And I agree. But something else struck me more strongly. Regular drumming can be quite a workout. In fact, here's a short report on a study that suggests it can demand as much stamina and burn as many calories as a professional athlete playing his sport. Simple observation seems to bear this out -- if you look at the drummers in all those crazy fast punk bands (like Travis Barker of Blink-182), they tend to be lean, wiry guys.

Now, this drummer is turning a really simple song on drums into something that takes way more energy than would otherwise be required. And he's like this in every single song this band plays. So he has to be getting even more of a workout. And while he's not morbidly obese or anything, he's not exactly a thin guy.

So what the hell? Is he on some kind of Michael-Phelps-in-competition-like diet? Does his entire life consist of eating and playing drums? He really IS Animal from the Muppets!


Anonymous said...

As a guy who's in stop mode regarding his drumming (because of a tendonitis that just won't go away), it hurts just to watch this guy...


Sangediver said...

good thing you're planning on getting a new drumset with RB3 - I am SO playing this way next RB night ;)