Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nook Again

Several months ago, I wrote about my purchase of a Nook e-reader. I'm bringing it up again to just confirm that this was an awesome purchase. I'm a total convert to the whole e-reader thing now. It hasn't quite reached the point where I've decided to purchase an e-book for reading even when I already have access to a physical copy, but I can't say for certain that won't happen some day.

There are a couple of down sides, I admit, but they seem pretty minor. Basically, you can't use it during airplane takeoffs and landings (my tip: bring a magazine). And if you're a "read in the bubble bath" type of person, you'll lose considerably more if you accidentally drop your book. But aside from that, it's a big win.

In fact, I've actually found that I've read more books so far in the months since getting the Nook than I did for probably the last year or two. It has me back in a habit that I probably haven't truly been in since before college. (Ah, college, the moment when reading stopped being recreational for me and became work.)

If you're on the fence about an e-reader purchase, I'll throw it out there one more time. Do it! You'll love it!

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