Friday, September 01, 2006

There Goes the Neighborhood...

A few of my readers have no doubt been following the great cross-country adventures of Shocho and LWC.

Shocho is a former co-worker from my Virginia-based days, who as of Tuesday will once again be my co-worker. I'm quite happy about this. LWC is, well, his lovely wife. I'm just as happy to have her back in my neighborhood again.

They both arrived safe and sound in their new place today, though bereft of their stuff -- the moving truck was delayed, and is not expected to arrive until next Thursday. And their cable and internet is not expected to be hooked up until... ugh... next Sunday. Some crap about the three-day weekend, a big influx of college students to the area at this time of year, bla bla bla.

So they're going to be "roughing it" a bit. Fortunately, my own family has a nice air mattress I was able to loan to them. (Some of you who have visited me have used the very same mattress.)

Anyway, the bottom line is: they're here, and fine, though you may not be hearing about it from Shocho himself for a time... unless someone's bleeding a wireless connection somewhere near his place, or he wants to give you an update from my place sometime.

If you don't know who either of these people are, well... sorry. Your loss. Anyway, I'll return to my regularly-scheduled inane blather tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey this is a bit like DS9 where O'Brien had moved on to "better things" and then a few years later Worf shows up! okay maybe not exactly like it, but just goes to show there is a 'Trek referrence for everything!

the mole
(tell them I said "Hi! and good luck with the new gig!")