Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Judgment Day

August 29th... "Judgment Day" for my wisdom teeth. (The bonus ones too.)

I was not put to sleep for it. And as it turned out, I was glad for that, because the whole thing took about 40 minutes, and though the sounds are far from pleasant, they're not as horrible as what I recalled from having teeth out before getting braces back in high school.

It's not all wine and roses, though. The bleeding has been higher than "normal" (whatever that is), and it keeps coming back a hell of a lot. The pain sucks, but frankly now -- at the end of a long day -- I'm more just feeling frustration and mental exhaustion. I'm tired of changing gauze and ice packs, tired of eating Jell-O and oatmeal about one thimble-ful at a time. And I'm sorry that my mother gave up her whole day to stay with me and basically just watch me suffer.

But man, there is nothing quite as great as being "Mommied" in situations like this that really cry out for it. Moms rock.


Jason said...

Only 40 minutes to remove all 6? That's not bad. I can deal with the convalescence, it's when they're rooting around in your mouth and you're completely helpless all that time that bothers me.

My dentist has been nudging me toward getting mine removed, too. Do keep me updated, so I can know how lousy it might be :)

Shocho said...

That sounds pretty slick, really. They knew what they were doing. I'm glad you didn't get sedated. Of course, you have to subtract 6 from your WIS stat now, but hell, nobody uses that but Clerics.