Saturday, September 15, 2007

Antici........................... pation

Earlier this week, as I'm fast forwarding through commercials during an episode of The Daily Show, I noticed an ad for the upcoming movie Iron Man. I was pretty surprised, since from what I'd remembered at Comic-Con earlier this summer, the movie wasn't even supposed to be out this year. And sure enough, when I slowed down to take a longer look at this TV trailer, I saw it end with the release date: May 2, 2008.

May of 2008, and they're showing commercials for it on TV now.

There is no possible way any movie could live up to this level of hype, if indeed we're going to be blitzkrieged with ads for this show from now until release date. We're talking eight months in advance here.

The fall TV season hasn't even started yet, but it will be nearly over by the time this movie is in theaters.

There are women out there who possibly don't yet know they're pregnant, but will actually give birth before this movie is in theaters.

In other words, shut the hell up, Marvel Studios, and get back to us in... like, March of next year.


Sangediver said...

I;ve already fallen for the hype - I know it's gonna suck, but I'm still excited!

GiromiDe said...

I don't think it'll suck. Marvel Studios has complete control of a film for the first time. The acting talent behind this is immense. The direction and writing aren't bad either.

This could be the first good not-starring-Kirsten-Dunst Marvel movie.

TheGirard said...

i don't know if it's worse than having to watch Bionic Woman previews back in April.