Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Suck It, Verizon

From the internets, and courtesy of "Roland Deschain":


Roland Deschain said...

Heheh...even if it's not real, I just like it. Why? I'm a Verizon customer and every day I want to drive bamboo lengths under the fingernails of their billing and support reps.

But making them do math is oh so much more cruel. >:)

Sangediver said...

Problem is, you know they didn't do the math. They just threw the check away, and charged him $35 for a late payment...

Roland Deschain said...

Actually, my bigger problem (other than the math) was having to Google and find a definition for this thing called a "check."

Apparently it's a way that people used to pay bills. A little piece of paper that says "I have money, I swear!"

Seems archaic to me. ;-)

GiromiDe said...

Roland, it's a piece of tender used by elderly women, I think. And my mother-in-law. She loves her some check-writing. She writes one in the blink of an eye.