Sunday, December 16, 2007

Outrageous Fortunes 2

It's been a long while since I got a really strange fortune in a fortune cookie, but it happened again yesteday:

An "almost perfect day?" Almost? What kind of hellish curse is that? Anyone taking that fortune seriously could be having a fantastic day, except they'd be going along dreading that at any moment, the shoe would drop and whatever the "almost" was would happen. Or maybe the mere act of walking around constantly on your guard for this dreaded "almost" would transform an awesome day into this "almost perfect day" -- you know, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In any case, I had a great day, thankyouverymuch Mr. Fortune Cookie. So kiss off.

1 comment:

Sangediver said...

I like the could be an almost perfect day.

That's almost a double negative, does that mean it will be a perfect day?