Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't Look At Her, She's Hideous!

Here's a horrifying tale of cosmetic surgery addiction gone wrong. A woman pursued procedure after procedure for 20 years, ultimately finding some quack of a doctor who gave her the instruments she needed to self-inject silicone into her own face.

(First of all, note the insanity of someone willing to inject herself in the face with a syringe. Ew!)

When she ran out of the silicone supply, she decided to substitute cooking oil instead.

(Second, note the insanity of a woman who thinks that a bottle of Crisco is safe to shoot into her face.)

And that's how she came to look like Jabba the Hutt. If you haven't clicked the link already, you might not want to do so now. It's hideous.

(Finally, note the insanity of a woman who looked like the photo on the left in the first place seeking any plastic surgery at all.)

I do not get this.


Roland Deschain said...

I was unfortunate enough to see this on Reddit yesterday. I had one of those "Oh, how bad could it be?" moments.


And the fact that they've already removed 2.2 ounces of cooking oil from her face and 7.1 ounces from her neck on only the first surgery...that's just a little shy of a can of soda that they've REMOVED.

This officially should replace the "Pride" murder by John Doe in "Se7en." Because this will haunt my dreams for a while....

Unknown said...

I'm with you Dr. my first reaction to that article (after the obligatory attempt to claw my eyes from my head) was to think that the woman pre-surgery was attractive and didn't need any cosmetic surgery.

My second was that IF (and notice that it is a big IF there) she decided she needed surgery, adding silicone to her face seemed like an odd choice. She already had very full lips etc. so I'm wondering what look she was trying to accomplish. I find myself wishing for an in-between photo... right after her very first "successful" surgery. And now as I write this I think perhaps that IS the photo on the left and her completely natural photo is the one missing.

Whatever... very sad. I hope she gets a lo-o-o-o-t of psychotherapy and has no relapses.

Sangediver said...

The good news Roland, is that she would burn quite nicely...