Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Accio Orlando!

Hey, all! I'm going on vacation!

Blog-wise, this probably isn't going to mean very much. I've got some stuff lined up to post automatically over the next few days while I'm gone. You can come here on whatever schedule you usually come, make comments if you like, and I'll catch up when I return.

Life-wise, on the other hand, this trip is a bigger deal. It's part getaway for two with my boyfriend, part geeky pilgrimage -- we both wanted to see the Harry Potter area at Universal Studios, and do other fun touristy things. It should beat the hell out of my only other trip to Orlando, for DecipherCon around a decade ago. (I got to see lots of players I consider friends, and I did have fun... but I was still working the whole time, and didn't actually get to see or do any of the things most people go to Orlando for.)

So, soldier on bravely everyone, and I'll be back "live" on Monday.

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