Tuesday, August 09, 2005

While I Was Out...

Well, I'm back after a week on the road. There will be plenty of stories and pictures about my trip in the days ahead. For the moment, though, I'm running on virtually no sleep, and I'm off to bed. I made time for Battlestar Galactica and Six Feet Under, but everything else from while I was gone is going to wait until I'm rested.

Except that I had to check quickly on Fark and a couple more serious news outlets for what happened in the world while I was "away." Because Monday morning, I was eating a hasty breakfast at the house of my friend's aunt and uncle, I saw that Peter Jennings had died. And I thought, "man, all kinds of things could have happened in the last three days, and I'd never know." So now I'm caught up, and here's a sample (of course, you already knew all this):

As I said, Peter Jennings died.

Our Congress has voted to make our lives just ever so slightly harder by voting to extend Daylight Savings Time. This means any newer electonic appliances you have that automatically adjust time for DST changes will now do so incorrectly for four weeks out of the year and have to be readjusted manually. Thanks a lot.

The shuttle Discovery returned safely to Earth. No help from Jinx required.

Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court William Rehnquist went in and out of the hospital once more. I wonder if they have one of those "multiple visit" punch cards going there like the kind they're phasing out at Subway?

Some crap happened with Martha Stewart. No one cared.

If there are any other highlights you think I may have missed, feel free to bring me up to date here. I in turn will be bringing you up to date on the details of my last week in the days ahead.


Anonymous said...

something you may have missed, but would surely want to know... this week saw the release of season 1 of The Muppet Show.

Muppet Newsman: Here is a Muppet News Flash. An international spy ring is trying to sneak ridiculous stories into the news... In other news, a black and yellow striped mackerel was elected king this morning.

-the mole

DrHeimlich said...

Thanks for making sure, but I did know. I'll be picking it up ASAP. Mahna mahna!

TheGirard said...

phew...it's great to have you back Evan.

GiromiDe said...

An energy bill was passed and signed that might help the country, hurt the country, or do absolutely nothing. There might have been a rider granting reimbursements for zebra husbandry for all I know.

Anonymous said...

I just want to point out that Daylight Savings is an urban legend and does not actually exist. To prove that fact, set one clock on Daylight Saving Time and another on normal time. Measure the length of a day. I guarantee the day is still 24 hours long.

Sadly, is a joke AZ played on the rest of the world and you guys still haven't figured it out. Just ask Girard, he knows the truth.

Anonymous said...

Here's a new item you missed:-

A man who popped in to a portable lavatory after a meeting got an unwelcome surprise when the booth was scooped into the air on a forklift truck. Svein Elde was carried off by one of the drivers hired to clear away the lavatories in Kabelvag, Norway. “I could feel that we were in motion, both the toilet and myself,” says Elde. “All I could think about was what would happen if the toilet tipped over: me, together with all its contents after a long weekend.”

TheGirard said...

Shhhh...Enrique. It's not a joke if you tell them.