Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Left Behind

Tonight was sort of a "go nowhere, tell nothing" episode of Lost, but a far more entertaining one than some of the episodes this season I'd put in that category.

Kate's flashback didn't really offer much on her past we didn't know. The fact that she met up with the woman Sawyer conned is another fun connection for the "flow chart" fans, but not particularly illuminating. At least the flashback did have strong resonance with the current Island story -- on two levels, in fact. On the superficial level, it was a chapter from Kate's past where she teamed up with a woman to work towards a common goal, echoing her situation with Juliet. On the deeper level, it was a tale to parallel her current storyline with Jack, a time when she'd realized how badly she'd hurt someone she thought she was helping.

Juliet's been "cast out" by the Others, apparently in favor of taking in Locke. Within the context of this episode, it didn't really mean anything. But it should provide some interesting material down the road.

A fleeting encounter with the monster didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know, since we can't really trust what Juliet said, nor can we trust that she was told everything that the rest of the Others (Ben in particular) know.

Then there was the fun B-story of Hurley running a "con" on Sawyer, to get him to be nice. Of course, I think everyone was completely clear Hurley was lying to Sawyer from the very first scene between them. But even though the destination was known, the journey was still fun for the awkward scene with Claire and the eloquence of Hurley's point at the end.

So, despite a general lack of forward momentum, we had a particularly resonant and emotional flashback, and entertaining B-story, and the promise of good dramatic possibilities to come when Juliet is taken back to the survivor's camp. In all, it made for a fairly good episode, despite the relative lack of plot momentum.

1 comment:

GiromiDe said...

Yes, it was another one of those episodes that sets up the "next chapter" of the story. I must wonder if Sayid corners Juliet and attempts some mild torture on her in the near future. I mean, Sayid was foolish to insist she stay at the Barracks. She's too valuable with them.

When one of the characters mentions 50 Others, are they also including the tailies that were kidnapped?

I hope someone explains how several of the Others are so freakishly strong. How badass was Juliet in the rec room?

The flashback at least confirms that Cassidy wasn't conning Sawyer when he was in prison. At the end of that story, I was certain Cassidy had set him up to give money to a daughter that didn't exist. And his attitude when he asked that the money be given to her told me he wasn't sure his daughter existed. Just as Jack learned about his dad from Sawyer, I hope Sawyer learned about his kid from Kate. It was only be appropriate.