Wednesday, April 11, 2007

One of Us

A pretty solid episode of Lost tonight. Its greatest strength, I think, was the strong emotional content of Juliet's flashback. From the previous Juliet episode, we'd already learned that she'd left a pregnant sister behind, but this episode showed us just how extreme the emotional roller coaster surrounding that was. Finding out her cancer had returned... and then been cured... except apparently not... but in truth it was! Juliet's been through hell.

And yet for all Ben has put her through, he still apparently has some carrot to dangle in front of her to get her to work for him against our castaways -- an interesting revelation to conclude the episode. I had sensed that something was amiss; I'd found it dreadfully convenient that Claire got sick just as Juliet was returning. But I hadn't had quite a suspicious enough mind to suss out that Juliet was playing them all, instead chalking it up to... well, bad writing, I suppose. There's been an unfortunate amount of that on and off throughout this season.

We got a few more colors in the paint-by-number that is the Island mystery of healing and pregnancy, but we're still shy of a complete picture. A clear allusion was made to the fact that Sun is now pregnant, however. And Ben did say in one of the flashbacks that they're out to find more pregnant women. So could Juliet's ultimate mission, that will apparently only take a week, have something to do with Sun? I suppose we'll find out rather soon, though a week of Island time at the rate time has passed this season puts it somewhere in the season finale range, by my reckoning.

In any case, my "on again, disapointed again" relationship (but no, never "off again") with Lost is back "on again" for the moment.


Shocho said...

It dawned on me at some point that all the bad guys were gone unless Juliet was still a bad guy.

Does that woman always have the tiniest little sneer on the left side of her mouth? It's starting to creep me out.

Mkae said...

I think Jack is being a little too puppy-eyed here. Sayid, as usual, seems to be the one who knows what's going on.

I do agree with Shocho on Juliet creeping me out. She is officially in my "I hope she comes to a very horrible end" book.

BubbaJoe said...

I have to disagree with part of your review. I think the episode would have been better served by NOT showing the conversation between Juliet and Ben until a later date. Allow it to be shown as a flashback when it becomes necessary. Allow her to become part of the community and then when she decides to either betray the Others or the Lost'ies then show that part to leave people in the dark.

Now it is possible that she is playing Ben, but that is much less likely. Without that scene with Ben, you are left wondering who she is loyal to, and what her true intentions are.

GiromiDe said...

I disagree, BubbaJoe. I don't think she's suddenly loyal to Ben just because Locke blew up the (possibly) only way back to civilization. Including the "secret plan" scene in the flashback doesn't mess anything up. I think Juliet has her own agenda separate from the Losties and Ben. What that is is a mystery since she believes she can never leave the island for a while.

I still think the biggest pieces of the puzzle yet to be presented are flashbacks of both Ben and Danielle. At the very least, given how each season has been bookended in the past, we should know how the Others completely fit into the Island's puzzle by the end of the season.

The fourth, and purportedly final, season should be focused on explaining the Island itself and how all of the characters are tied to it.