Monday, October 22, 2007


It's been two weeks since the last Prison Break, and it'll be two weeks until the next one, thanks to the World Series. This is an especially tough place in the story for this to come, because tonight felt like a "connective tissue" between last chapter and the next one.

It's not that tonight was a bad episode. I actually rather liked it. As someone commented here recently, the show is at its best when Michael is concocting some elaborate plan, and there was more of that at the heart of tonight's episode.

But on the other hand, the momentum of the story seems to be pushing to an escape attempt happening imminently -- within a few episodes. Which can't go well, because it seems way too early in the season for them to actually escape. But how will it fail? What will be the consequences when it does? Tonight's episode did a great job of ratcheting up the tension on those questions, so it's especially bad that we won't get any more answers next Monday.

On the down side, I'm almost wishing they'd just written Sucre off the show. His subplot all revolved around him being stupid and getting caught up in something bad. Hopefully it will pay off well down the road when we see what he was paid to smuggle into the prison. But for now? His parts of the episodes are definitely the weakest.

On the up side, the new character (played by Dominic Keating of Enterprise) is as potentially intriguing as Sucre is boring. Finding more about his backstory with Whistler should be interesting. He's not an instantly great addition to the show, but could grow into something with more episodes. Which is fine... some of the first season's early characters ended up growing in importance in the same way (Tweener and Haywire come to mind).

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Dominic Keating (Malcolm Reed from Enterprise of course) was also on Heroes. when they first showed him on screen he was standing between two other characters, I was talking to a friend on the phone and I said "hey switch to Heroes real quick, it's Malcolm in the middle!" we both laughed...

the mole

Anonymous said...

Good show, but yeah, Sucre is getting pretty boring (and quite dumb). Maybe he should have died last year.
I wonder how long Linc will be able to not tell Michael about Sarah. If they do escape in the next episode, I guess we'll find out pretty soon.