Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Say It Ain't So, My Little Butterfly

In my circle of friends, there has been occasional joking about simultaneously playing DDR and Rock Band. Well, here you go -- these guys actually did it:

Although I kind of thought it was assumed that you'd be playing the same song in each game. This is an assault on the ears, to be sure.


Sangediver said...

OMFG, that actually has to be harder than dancing to the same song you're playing in Rock band.

Just trying to watch that made my brain hurt. Let us all pray to the Lords of Kobol that never again shall Weezer and Aqua meet...

Shocho said...

I have to say I think that wearing the drum kit is very cool.

Roland Deschain said...

Are you kidding?

I'm not coordinated enough to play the drums by themselves while sitting down.

You'd find me in the corner twitching.


Unknown said...

So... I know _I'm_ too old/slow/uncoordinated/(okay, fine stupid) to do this... but I think the gauntlet has been thrown down Doc. You're not going to let a bunch of minigeeks do something that the G'czar has yet to even attempt? Say it isn't so! :o)

Did anyone else have a weird sense of looking into a mirror that had some kind of time-distortion effect coating applied to it? (especially near the end there) No, no, no.... me either.

Jason said...

Not related to this post, but are you doing Trivia this weekend? I haven't heard from you on the boards and we're testing our new Q&A system tonight starting at 6:30 Central. Hop on AIM if you get the chance.

Anonymous said...

that was funny! but did those guys do dual big screen TV system linked Gamecube 8 player Mario Kart Double Dash? that was pretty epic, too :-)

the mole

DrHeimlich said...

Jason --

I am triviaing, but I didn't get home from work until after the scheduled test was over. (Time zones and all.) I probably won't be around much Friday night, but I plan to be there off and on for Saturday and Sunday.