Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back on the Hogwarts Express... Sort Of

So, do you remember around nine months ago, J.K. Rowling's book of fairy tales as mentioned in the final Harry Potter novel? Only seven copies?

Well, not so much anymore.

It's now going to be released to the masses in early December. Oh, and that $62,000 minimum price tag? Try under $10. Or hell, even if you splurge for the British leather-bound edition, that'll still only set you back £50.

If you were out $62,000 right now, how pissed would you be? Then again, I suppose if you had that kinda money to spend on something like that, you probably wouldn't care, would you?


Roland Deschain said...

Wait...the book that wasn't going to be published is now going to be published?

And only like a week after the 6th movie is released?

GET THE BLEEP OUT OF TOWN! I'm sure it's a total coincidence.

Someone finally did the math and figured out that having Amazon pay almost $4 million for one copy just isn't QUITE as profitable as having 40 million people paying $10. I'm shocked.

Yes, I'm aware the profits are going to charity. My point is still valid though. :P

Anonymous said...

future letter to be mailed to publishers of the new book:

"um, last year I bought this book for over $62,000 and I see you are now selling it for $10. could I please have a refund for the difference?"

the mole