Saturday, October 22, 2005

A Special Saturday Edition of Trivia

This afternoon was the bar trivia tournament finals 10 weeks in the making. Teams have been accumulating points over the last two-and-a-half months to become eligible for the big event that took place this afternoon. (We'd amassed enough points for a lock some time ago.) The first place team won $250 cash.

And it was us. Happy day! We actually won by a pretty healthy margin, and had a good time in the process, so a nice Saturday all around.

The questions were a bit more difficult than normal today, as you'd expect. Many more questions in "multiple parts" than usual, and with more parts than usual. Take, for example, this final question:

Please give the exact names (as printed on the board) of the 11 body parts you can remove while playing the original version of the game Operation.

Our team of nine players managed 9 of the 11. See how you manage by checking the comments.


DrHeimlich said...

Adam's Apple
Bread Basket
Broken Heart
Butterflies in the Stomach(*)
Charlie Horse
Funny Bone
The Knee Bone Connected to the Ankle Bone(*)
Spare Ribs
Water on the Knee
Writer's Cramp

The *s are the two we missed. I don't know how we missed Butterflies in the Stomach. The "Connected" one we struggled with for as much time as we had. We knew we were forgetting "the rubber band" one, but couldn't come up with its name.

Shocho said...

Awesome! Congratulations. I can't believe you got 9 of 11 there. I guess I haven't played enough Operation. Never liked them dexterity games. :)

DavĂ­d said...

I remembered 5, including Butterflies in the Stomach. I couldn't remember the name of the rubber band one either.