Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Week 4: Veronica Mars 3; Lost 1.

It was another solid, though this time not really outstanding, episode of Lost this week. But Veronica Mars was once again roaring strong.

I enjoyed all of the Jin/Sun episodes from the first season of Lost, and I definitely enjoyed this one too. The show is able to tap into something entirely different when they focus on these two characters... something really quite different from anything else on television. (Seriously... what other TV series has a main character who can't speak English? Though he's clearly improving on that front.)

The "missing wedding ring" was a blatantly transparent device for getting at the flashbacks, but I didn't mind so much. Hurley and Locke each appeared in only one scene, but they were both memorable. And the "Back-of-the-Planers" (Backies?) are drawing nearer to being integrated with the rest of the group. All fine stuff.

But Veronica Mars again delivered great stuff. Wallace has a Darth Vader style "I am your father" confrontation with creepy-Chicago-man who turns out to be a decorated cop? What the hell has Mom been hiding?! Who is Weevil's anonymous tipster? How great was it to see Veronica vamping it up, trying to tempt her crazy client's boyfriend?

And the line "Dim Sum... and 'then some.'" Genius.


GiromiDe said...

"Dim sum and then sum" has been the tagline for a popular Evanston -- and thus Northwestern University -- eatery called Lulu's. If are to believe the one of three episodes of Joey I brought myself to watch, many involved in Hollywood graduated from Northwestern.


Anonymous said...

I actually thought this episode of VM was just okay, but there were a lot of very funny lines. Veronica going undercover was particularly funny and the lesbian overtones reminded me of when she was at the cult last year.

If I rub your head, do I get three wishes?

They get so much past the censors on that show, I think the writers see it almost as a game now: let's see, what can we get past them this week? That line about the shag carpeting didn't hit me until rewatching, but then maybe I have a dirty mind.

Shocho said...

Veronica Mars, My Favorite Television Show, has enough clever dialog and engaging plot twists for three other shows. It tires me out, it's so good.

Lost is teetering on the X-Files precipice of "explain, but don't explain," and it's starting to make my head hurt. Kate makes that go away, but that can only work so long.

(Word verification eerily contains my initials and my sister's initials: ckrkggh. And ggh's initials.)

DavĂ­d said...

I think Lost may be following into the typical pattern for J. J. Abrams shows of great first season, good enough second season to hold your interest, and then downhill.

Veronica Mars, which I just started watching with the second season, I'm really digging. Great dialog and I almost immediately was struck by the shag carpeting line.